Podcast: Deepening Mindfulness with Equanimity

Frits Koster (co-founder of MBCL) in conversation with Kate Ensor from ‘Realise Mindfulness’. Frits  explores the Four Friends for Life and especially equanimity as a valuable attitude helping us to find balance in the changing weather of life. English spoken.

Introduction to the practice of compassionate breathing or tonglen by Frits Koster

This guided meditation was recorded during a silent retreat offered in Poland in March 2024. English spoken with polish translation by Marta Markocka-Popol.

Webinar ‘In the cool Shade of Equanimity’ by Frits Koster for the Mindfulness Network UK in March 2024 – English spoken

… Exchange with Greg Heffron and Chris Trani about Green Zone Communication (chapter 4 of our book Mindful Communication) for EAMBA on 29-12-23 …

… Exchange with Rosamund Oliver and Chantal Bergers about Deep Listening (chapter 6 of our book Mindful Communication) for EAMBA on 10-11-23 …

… Exchange with Oren Jay Sofer about Nonviolent Communication (chapter 2 of our book Mindful Communication) for EAMBA on 20-10-23 …

… Webinar ‘Mindful Communication’ by Frits Koster, Jetty Heynekamp, Victoria Norton and Edel Maex for the Mindfulness Network UK in May 2023 – English spoken …

… Webinar ‘The Wealth of Wisdom’ by Frits Koster for the Mindfulness Network UK in March 2023 – English spoken …

… Webinar on the four Friends for Life – kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity – by Frits Koster in March 2022 for the Mindfulness Network UK – English spoken …

… Webinar on the practice of Compassionate Breathing or Tonglen by Frits Koster in April 2021 for the Mindfulness Network UK – English spoken …

… Podcast with Frits Koster about the value of mindfulness and compassion and about Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) – English language …

Exercise: Sitting like a horse whisperer

This exercise (in English language) may inspire you to understand how the attitude of compassion can shift towards equanimity a d patience. Click here for the exercise

Books Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) in different languages by Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster

A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living

A step-by-step guide for those who wish to deepen their mindfulness skills with compassion for a healthier, happier life and more fulfilling relationships.
Routledge, UK, 2018

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living

A new training programme to deepen mindfulness with heartfulness.

Mindfulness con corazón

Una guía práctica para cultivar una vida compasiva basada en la atención plena. Ediciones Koan, 2022

Vida compassiva basada en mindfulness

Un nuevo programa de entrenamiento para profundizar en mindfulness con heartfulness

Desclée de Brouwer, Spain, 2017

Le défi de la compassion

Vivre avec coeur

Życie ze współczuciem oparte na uważności

Praktyczny przewodnik po kursie MBCL. Pepolis Sp. z o.o., Olsztyn, 2023

Mitgefühl üben

Das große Praxisbuch Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)

Mitfühlend leben

Mit (Selbst-)Mitgefühl und Achtsamkeit die seelische Gesundheit stärken - Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living

Şefkat Korkaklara Göre Değil

Mindfulness Temelli Şefkatli Yaşam İçin Bir Uygulama Kılavuzu

Compassie in je leven

Mindfulness verdiepen met heartfulness (Boom, 2019)

Compassievol leven

Een mindfulness-based verdiepingsprogramma (Boom, 2016)