Contributions on MBCL in other books

Relational Mindfulness
Fundamentals and Applications – edited by Roberto Aristegui, Javier Garcia Campaya and Patricio Barriga (Springer, Switzerland, 2021).

English language

This book proposes a new approach to mindfulness-based interventions, presenting them not as individual, but as relational practices. In the last decades, mindfulness has exerted a growing influence on many fields of research and activity, but always as an individual practice. The authors in this volume believe that the strong development of mindfulness today implies considering a dialogue between this individualistic approach and the perspective of relational mindfulness based on social constructionism.

The volume is organized in two parts. The first part focuses on the theoretical foundations of relational mindfulness. The second part presents possibilities of applications of relational mindfulness in clinical and organizational settings to promote mental health and personal development. Relational Mindfulness: Fundamentals and Applications will be of interest to a wide range of professionals interested in applying mindfulness-based interventions in mental health care and productive organizations, such as clinical and health psychologists, public health professionals and human resources analysts and consultants, among others.

Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster have contributed in writing Chapter 7 titled ‘Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Cultivating Relationality with ‘Heartful Mind’ and ‘Mindful Heart’. Click here for more information and/or to order the book.

Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes
Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy – edited by Itai Ivtzan (Routledge, UK, 2019).

English language

Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes offers the first comprehensive guide to all prominent, evidence-based mindfulness programmes available in the West. The rapid growth of mindfulness in the Western world has given rise to an unprecedented wave of creative mindfulness programmes, offering tailor-made mindfulness practices for school teachers, students, parents, nurses, yoga teachers, athletes, pregnant women, therapists, care-takers, coaches, organisational leaders and lawyers. This book offers an in-depth engagement with these different programmes, emphasising not only the theory and research but also the practice. Exercises and activities are provided to enable the reader to first understand the programme and then experience its unique approach and benefits. Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes will enrich your knowledge and experience of mindfulness practice, whether you are a practitioner, researcher or simply interested in the application of mindfulness.

Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster have contributed in writing Chapter 29: ‘Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: a deepening programme for those with basic mindfulness skills’. Click here for more information and/or to order the book.

Trainings- und Interventionsprogramme zur Förderung von Empathie
Ein praxisorientiertes Kompendium – edited by Marcus Roth, Victoria Schönefeld und Tobias Altmann (Springer, Deutschland, 2015).

Deutsche Sprache

Der Leser erhält mit diesem Werk eine breite Übersicht über die diversen Möglichkeiten, Empathie in der Praxis zu fördern. Das „Besondere“ besteht dabei einerseits in dem Umstand, dass alle Darstellungen den gleichen Aufbau aufweisen, wodurch ein direkter Vergleich ermöglicht und eine entsprechende Auswahl für eigene Zwecke erleichtert wird.

Eine weitere Besonderheit besteht darin, dass die Programme aus völlig unterschiedlichen Bereichen stammen und so ein Blick „über den Tellerrand“ des eigenen Bereichs ermöglicht wird. So kann beispielsweise ein Anwender, der ursprünglich an einem Training für aggressive Jugendliche interessiert ist, aus Programmen zur Empathie-Förderung bei Grundschülern oder aber zum empathischen Umgang in sozialen Berufen Ideen übernehmen, an die er ursprünglich nicht gedacht hat, die er aber für seine aktuellen Zwecke als brauchbar einschätzt.

Das Buch richtet sich an Psychologen, Berater und Therapeuten, Anwenderinnen und Anwender in der Fort- und Weiterbildung, Fach- und Führungskräfte in diversen Gesundheitsberufen  sowie in der pädagogischen Arbeit, die Empathie als eine Schlüsselkompetenz erkannt haben und fördern wollen. Darüber hinaus ist es für Studierende der Psychologie, Pädagogik und der sozialen Berufe geeignet.

Erik van den Brink und Frits Koster haben Kapitel 8 geschrieben: ‘Mitfühlend leben – ‘Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living.’

Click here to order the book.

Mindful Communication –
Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion

Skillful communication and warm connection are needed today more than ever before. Frits Koster, Jetty Heynekamp, and Victoria Norton provide an outline of the mechanisms underlying mindful communication while a selection of experts present a concise overview of six communication programs that are becoming well known in the mindfulness world. This book can be of interest to professionals in mental health, social care, education and to anyone who wishes to listen and speak with more wisdom and compassion.